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.I usually start my day with a breakfast of fibres: oat milk and cereals.

At breakfast you can consume more calories, so you will burn during the day, so the jam and slice of cake rather eat in the morning.

At lunch you can eat carbohydrates, such as pasta, bread, rice (never mounted). It is always advisable to make a complete meal so you don't overeat at dinner.

Who wants can make a afternoon break, I usually eat fruits.

The evening is better to eat light, because the calories will not be burned, then go ahead to proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish or low-fat cheese. Don't forget the vegetables, are a supply of vitamins and water.

Nedless to remind you to drink at least 2 litres of water every days.

The sport is very important to stay in shape and to make the doby function at its best (as far a breathing, bones and blood circulation) and the muscle toned. I do sport every days (except the weekend) from walking, ride bike and gym.

Below I enclose a site where you can find other tips to follow a healthy lifestyle.






.I've always been focused on my body and what I eat... I love to eat, in fact no one takes my sweets or a nice dinner at the restaurant... but let's see how to stay in line and how to feel good about our body

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